Sunday, January 25, 2015


Edward, our fourth boy, (just three weeks after he turned 4) and I had a conversation regarding an ant that had managed to crawl up to the top of the dining table.

"Look, Edward, there's an ant on the table all by itself!"

Edward looks curiously and with the sense of awe I love seeing in children's eyes as the world opens up to them.

"How do you think it got up there? (short pause)  Do you think it crawled ALL the way up there?  That's a long way to go up for a little ant."  
Here's a possible opportunity to teach perseverance.

Edward shrugs shoulders and with palms up on either side of him, says, "I don't know...maybe it teleported there."

"Where did you get that word from?"


Monday, May 23, 2011

Wight or Wong?

Adam was watching his dad fix his bike (he can ride a bike with no training wheels now - just 3 days short of his 4th birthday), when Adam noticed that there was rust on his bike.

"It's vewy (very) wusty (rusty), dad."

"It's RUSTY, Adam, not wusty."

"Yeah, you're WIGHT, dad."

Monday, February 21, 2011


Playing sword fight with Adam last week, I pretended he got me, so I sat down on the floor. He points his sword on my chest and with authority, commands, "Concede!"

Shocked, I asked, "What did you just say?"

Adam repeats, "Concede!"

"Do you know what that means?"

"I don't know...again an again?"

"It means 'to give up'. Where did you get it from?"

"From Kuya's (James') show, bionicles."

What does it mean again?"

"Give up."


Who's Smarter Now?

I was trying to reason with Adam that he still needs his nap during the day as he's never really liked sleeping.

"You need to sleep because that's when your brain grows. Do you know what the brain is?"

Adam (3yrs and 9months) says: "Yes, it's inside my head."

Impressed, I asked: "What is it for?"


I explained: "It's what makes you smart."

Adam: "But I'm smart already."

He is.

Friday, February 18, 2011

A fish Called "Cold"

We went to Clifton Gardens with another family from school. We had a picnic and Von took the boys out to the wharf to go fishing (seriously) for the first time!

James caught a decent size bream that we took home! David caught two smaller ones that went back in and Von also caught a little one that also got returned to the waters. It was a rainy day and we all went home soaking but very excited about our adventure.

Driving home in the car, we were reliving the day and Von was saying, "James caught a big fish, David caught two small ones and all daddy caught was a cold." David got the joke straight away and he just made a chuckling sound. Meanwhile, James (serious as anything), said, "Is that the small fish you caught?"

Me and My Tummy

One day, Adam was sitting by my foot looking up at me. He said, "Your tummy looks like you're going to have another baby, mum." That was probably 6 months post-Edward...

However, a couple of days ago, while eating lunch, he said, "Let's eat dami-dami (lots and lots) so we can have a big tummy like yours." Edward is almost 11 months now. Maybe, I really have to do something about this tummy?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Talking About Santa

Talking in the car with the boys, David mentioned he'd really like to complete his collection of Lego Hero Factory. I said, "Who knows, David...maybe if you're nice, santa will give it to you for Christmas."

Without missing a beat, Adam said, "There's no such thing as santa. Maybe YOU can just get him another one."

Tsk...tsk...tsk...I've never really encouraged belief in the commercialized version of santa but James and David often talk about St Nicholas as the real santa. Ok, it's true, I've never given the kids a pressie from santa. But to hear it from a three year old??? I'll just have to encourage their imagination and their wide-eyed belief in things magical through other ways.